Ignorance of the common law is no excuse.



Join us for an engaging and interactive journey into the fundamental principles of the Common Law. This ‘Fundamental Principles of Law’ series is dedicated to teaching the core concepts of real law in a simple manner.


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Lesson 1: Authority of Law, Pt. 1

Embark on a comprehensive exploration of the very essence of law in our lesson on “Authority of Law” In this enlightening session, we delve into the fundamental question: What is law? Crucially, we’ll delve into the concept that the authority of law is inherently tied to its source, exploring how our relationship to these sources defines the legitimacy and enforceability of legal principles. 

Lesson 2: Authority of Law, Pt. 2

This session delves into the fundamental concept that the authority of government is derived from the people, exploring the representative nature of our political system. We’ll examine how the Constitution serves as the bedrock document, granting specific powers to the three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial.

Lesson 3: The American Legal System

From the foundational principles enshrined in the U.S. Constitution to the role of statutes, regulations, and case law, we will unravel the layers of authority and explore how laws are made, interpreted, and enforced. Join us as we delve into the principles, institutions, and practices that make up the rich tapestry of the American Legal System, empowering you with a comprehensive understanding of the legal landscape that shapes American governance and justice.

Lesson 4: Usurpation of Authority

We will examine the declared acts of tyranny that prompted the founders of our nation to separate from a tyrannical king, and how history seems to be repeating itself as we endure a long train of abuses and usurpations that parallel 1776.

Lesson 5: Introduction to Fundamental Law

In authority, fundamental law is paramount. There are numerous sources of fundamental law, including the Bible, the Law of Nations, collections of maxims or legal ideas, and instruments derived from foundational law including constitutions, bills, and declarations of rights. In this lesson, we will investigate them.

Lesson 6: The Foremost Authority of Fundamental Law

Certain Maxims of Law have prevailed throughout recorded history. They can be found in the old English Common Law, in the ancient Roman Law, and can be found in the Bible as well.

These maxims of law are so manifestly founded on reason, necessity and Divine precepts, that they have been universally accepted as being true rules and principles of law. They thus have become a part of the general customs and common law of the land of every civilized nation.

Lesson 7: Enumerated Rights of the 50 State Constitutions

Embark on a thought-provoking exploration of individual liberties with our lesson on natural rights and the enumerated rights found in the 50 state constitutions, Bills, and Declarations of Rights.

We will highlight the most powerful rights to help you better understand your power and authority.

Lesson 8: Due Process, Authority & Reason: Arguments About Abortion And Parental Rights

 In this engaging session, we will explore the art of constructing compelling arguments rooted in declared rights and fundamental principles of law to address contemporary challenges like abortion and parental rights. 

Participants will delve into fundamental law and foundational documents, such as constitutions and bills of rights, and leverage them when framing arguments to solve real-world problems.

Through case studies and interactive discussions, participants will learn how to analyze current issues, identify relevant legal principles, and construct persuasive arguments grounded in the rights enshrined in the law. 

Lesson 9: Authority & Reason: Arguments About Individual v. Collective Rights and Bodily Autonomy

 In this engaging session, we will explore the art of constructing compelling arguments rooted in declared rights and fundamental principles of law to address a new challenge, individual rights v. collective rights as well as vaccine mandates and your right to bodily autonomy.

Join us in mastering the skill of crafting impactful arguments that draw strength from the declared rights and fundamental laws that shape our society.

Lesson 10: Sovereignty v. Corporate Monopolies, Lobbyist, and Foreign Organizations Like The UN, WEF, & WHO.

 In this engaging session, we will explore the art of constructing compelling arguments rooted in declared rights and fundamental principles of law to address a new challenge. Corporate monopolies, lobbyists, and foreign organizations like the WHO, WEF, and UN.

Join us in mastering the skill of crafting impactful arguments that draw strength from the declared rights and fundamental laws that shape our society.


Lesson 11: Notice And Opportunity: Unalienable Right To Life

In this session, we will explore the teachings of Jesus as found in the Book of Matthew, focusing on how he guided his followers in resolving conflicts. Participants will delve into the practical aspects of putting arguments into writing to schools, hospitals, and governmental institutions to protect their offspring when they try to impose their will over our biological property. Through biblical wisdom and practical writing techniques, participants will learn to articulate their concerns, seek resolution, and promote understanding. 

Lesson 12: Notice And Opportunity: Protecting The Common Law Office Of Sheriff

In this session, we will explore the teachings of Jesus as found in the Book of Matthew, focusing on how he guided his followers in resolving conflicts. Participants will delve into the practical aspects of putting governmental institutions on notice to protect the office of the sheriff. Through biblical wisdom and practical writing techniques, participants will learn to articulate their concerns, seek resolution, and promote understanding. 

Lesson 13 Notice And Opportunity: Migration and Invasion

In this session, we will explore the teachings of Jesus as found in the Book of Matthew, focusing on how he guided his followers in resolving conflicts. Participants will delve into the practical aspects of putting arguments into writing to schools, hospitals, and governmental institutions to protect their offspring when they try to impose their will over our biological property. Through biblical wisdom and practical writing techniques, participants will learn to articulate their concerns, seek resolution, and promote understanding. 

Lesson 14: United Call For Corrective Action

In this session, we will discuss the whisper campaign and how it can inspire people to take action. Through collective action, we shall educate and mobilize, wielding the power of the pen to restore our nation’s lost principles. It is not only our right to instruct our servants and require a reoccurrence to fundamental principles, but also our duty. Together, we reaffirm our commitment to self-government and reclaim the authority rightfully belonging to the people. This arduous task is indispensable for reclaiming the promise of our republic and securing liberty for future generations. 

Lesson 15: Understanding Affidavits: Their Use and Formation

The lesson provided a comprehensive overview of affidavits, encompassing their significance, essential components, types, formation guidelines, and practical application. Beginning with the definition of affidavits as sworn statements of fact, the discussion emphasized their pivotal role in legal, administrative, and business settings. Learners delved into the anatomy of affidavits, including the heading, factual statement, sworn oath, and signature, with an emphasis on clarity, accuracy, and adherence to formal language conventions. Various types of affidavits were explored, each serving distinct purposes in legal proceedings and transactions. Formation guidelines underscored the importance of clear, concise, and accurate drafting, alongside compliance with notarization requirements. A hands-on exercise engaged learners in crafting an affidavit based on a scenario, promoting practical application and peer collaboration. Real-life examples and case studies illustrated the diverse applications of affidavits, while highlighting their importance and versatility. Finally, the lesson addressed legal implications, such as perjury and contempt of court, emphasizing the imperative of integrity and compliance with affidavit standards.

Lesson 16: On the Trail to Remedy: The Tanawah Chronicles

Lesson 17: The Founder's Will: A Common Foundation

Discover the foundational principles that make America a truly unique nation in our engaging lesson on “The Founder’s Will: A Common Foundation.” Dive into the historical concept of divine law and explore how it shaped the legal framework of the United States into the only “free nation”. Learn about the creation doctrine triangle, which places divine law above the people and the government, ensuring that individual rights are seen as inherent and God-given. Understand the attempts by government actors to invert this hierarchy and how the Founding Fathers’ solutions, like the separation of powers and the Bill of Rights, were designed to maintain our freedoms. Perfect for history enthusiasts and those passionate about American principles, this lesson offers a deep, insightful look into the enduring relevance of divine law in our legal system.

Lesson 18: Putting Government Back in It's Cage: Enumerated Powers and the Federal Reserve

In this lesson, students will investigate the clandestine establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913, concentrating on the constitutional and oversight challenges that have provoked long-standing debates. They will assess whether the Federal Reserve’s creation was a valid delegation of authority by Congress or an unlawful assumption of power, possibly rising to the level of treason. Additionally, we will explore strategies to address government overreach in particular, the exceeding of enumerated powers.

Lesson 19: Deprivation Of Rights And The Attack Of The Petit Jury/Trial Jury

In this lesson, we will explore the significant role that citizens play in controlling the government through their participation in trial and grand juries. These juries act as a critical check on governmental power, ensuring that the people’s voice is central in holding authorities accountable and protecting individual liberties. We will discuss how the government often seeks to obscure the extent of this power from the public. By understanding the mechanisms our founders established, we can reclaim control and restrain governmental overreach. In part one of this two-part series, we will focus on the function and importance of petit (trial) juries.

Lesson 20: The Road To Remedy-The Attack on Grand Juries w/ Tactical Civics

We, the People, possess a fundamental right to hold our government accountable. This principle is enshrined in the Declarations or Bills of Rights of several states, which affirm that government officials are answerable to the people at all times. For instance, the Virginia Declaration of Rights articulates in Section 2 that ‘all power is vested in, and consequently derived from, the people; that magistrates are their trustees and servants, and at all times amenable to them’ (Virginia Const. art. 1, § 2).

However, a pressing question arises: how can ordinary citizens ensure that government officials and institutions uphold justice and adhere to the law? Moreover, how do we hold the government accountable when we seemingly require the government’s permission to do so?

The Answer is: the Citizen Grand Jury

Go to: to learn more about how you can be part of the solution.

Lesson 21: The Road To Remedy- The Right of Suffrage

Lesson Overview: This lesson delves into the history, origins, and evolution of voting rights, tracing the development of suffrage from ancient democracies to modern systems. The lesson begins with a historical narrative exploring a pivotal moment in voting rights, such as the Women’s Suffrage Movement or the Voting Rights Act of 1965. It then examines the classification of political rights versus civil rights and unalienable rights, and questions the government’s role in “granting” rights.

A key theme is the notion that voting is not a privilege granted by the government but an inherent right, echoing principles of liberty and sovereignty. The lesson also explores the Electoral College and the checks it provides on majority rule, emphasizing that the U.S. is not a pure democracy but a constitutional republic.

We will discuss the significant changes in suffrage, from the 19th Amendment (granting women the right to vote) to lowering the voting age and modern accusations of election manipulation. We’ll address claims of election fraud, the use of software like Hammer and Scorecard, and recent election law changes, such as those in Michigan, which restrict public discourse on election fraud.

In the second half of the lesson, we are honored to welcome Tamborine Borrelli, the creator and founder of CrossCheck USA™. She will discuss her relentless efforts to secure election integrity and her innovative, independent system designed to verify vote totals, along with her experiences navigating political opposition.

Key Topics Covered:

  • History and origins of voting rights in the U.S. and beyond.
  • The evolution of suffrage, including major constitutional amendments.
  • Distinctions between political/civil rights and unalienable rights.
  • Examination of the Electoral College and its role in U.S. democracy.
  • Allegations of election fraud and government cover-ups from 2004 to present.
  • Introduction of CrossCheck USA™ and its mission for election integrity.

This comprehensive lesson is ideal for those interested in understanding the legal foundations of voting and exploring the contemporary challenges facing election integrity.

Lesson 22: Lesson On Affidavits And The 10 Commercial Maxims

This lesson will focus on the powerful role of affidavits in legal proceedings and their relation to the 10 Commercial Maxims, which are foundational principles in both law and commerce. Students will learn how affidavits serve as a sworn statement of fact that holds significant weight in judicial processes, as illustrated by cases like Sampson v. Channell. We will explore the maxim “An affidavit is a court,” highlighting the authority of affidavits as truth unless specifically rebutted.

Key to the discussion will be the 10 Commercial Maxims, which serve as the framework for understanding the binding nature of unrebutted affidavits in legal matters. These maxims, such as “A workman is worthy of his hire” and “Truth is expressed by means of an affidavit,” guide how disputes, particularly in commerce, are resolved through fairness, truth, and accountability.

Additionally, we will review the affidavit submitted against Governor Maura Healey. This document asserts her constitutional violations, misuse of emergency powers, and the resulting consequences of maladministration. By examining this affidavit, students will understand how the principles discussed apply in real-world legal scenarios and reinforce the significance of affidavits as legal tools. The lesson will also cover how the government’s response (or lack thereof) to affidavits can be binding in court, as the unrebutted affidavit stands as judgment.

Through this lesson, students will gain insight into the power of truth expressed through affidavits, the consequences of failing to rebut them, and the importance of adhering to the foundational principles of law in governance and commerce. 

Lesson 23: The Road To Remedy-Holding Government Accountable

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